Holy Family Secondary School are All-Ireland Volleyball Champions
22nd January 2018
Holy Family showcases ePortfolio’s at Croke Park
30th January 2018Wednesday, January 17th, was the first time that Bishop Denis Nulty officially launched Catholic Schools Week with a celebration in the Diocesan Cathedral in Carlow.
109 primary and 21 post-primary students attended.
As part of the launch, Bishop Nulty asked schools to make a Prayer Petition Box for our School Prayer Space. He blessed each school’s box in Carlow Cathedral.
Our exceptionally talented Transition Year students Aoife Kennedy and MehetabelOjienor designed a beautiful Petition Box for our school oratory.
Catholic Schools Week is the high point of our schools catechetical programme helping us prepare for the World Meeting of Families in August 2018.
This programme consists of four moments and is called Catholic Schools: Called to be Family of Families. Holy Family Secondary School has participated in Moment One: Catholic Schools, Families of Hope, during November. On Monday, 29th Janaury, Moment Two; Catholic Schools: Families of Faith will begin.
Over the coming months, prayers can be placed in our new Petition Box by our students and staff. In May, Holy Family Secondary School will be invited to bring their box of prayers and place it in front of the Icon of the Holy Family when it visits Newbridge.