Le Mois de la Francophonie

The French department organised activities for Le Mois de la Francophonie which takes place in March every year in celebration of French culture and the 275 million French speakers around the world.
First and second year students took part in a chasse aux trésors during French classes. This activity was set up by some of our wonderful 4th year students. This challenging task demanded lots of teamwork and literacy skills (in French of course) to work out the clues and find the hidden words. Well done to all the girls for their enthusiasm and participation!
Our 5th year students completed a tricky concours d’orthographe (spelling competition) followed by a dictée (dictation) and a quiz on the culture of France and the French speaking world. We finished with a French song ´On n’est pas bien là?’ … En tout cas, on s’est bien amusés!
De la part des profs de français on souhaite de Joyeuses Pâques à toutes nos élèves!
Happy Easter
23rd March 2018
Sports Day 2018
10th May 2018