In Holy Family Secondary School, we compete in Cadette and Senior volleyball divisions. Every student is welcome to come and play volleyball whether they are a complete novice, wish to train for fun or want to compete at the highest level against the top school teams in Ireland.
The Cadette teams include 3rd and 4th years and the Senior teams are 5th and 6th years. In a further exciting competition called the “Schools Cup” players of any age join together to make our schools teams.
Last year our teams won the Senior A and Cadette B Cups in Irelands highest school divisions. Furthermore, the Senior team travelled to challenge the Northern Irish teams where they emerged victorious again, making us the All Island Champions.
A huge number of students participate in our school volleyball. Volleyball is an excellent way for students to develop fundamental movement skills used in many sports while getting to know other students across different years and classes.
We wish all our teams the very best of luck in their competitions this year.

Senior Volleyball Team 24/25

Cadette Volleyball Team 24/25